Monday, March 31, 2014

Finished Sewing the Clews on Spin #1

I finished up sewing the new clews on Spin #1.  Here's Clew #1:

The bobbin thread finished, so I had to restart at the edge of one of the panels:

Here's Clew #2:  I sewed on the red side as the panel edges were more visible then on the black side.

Next, I sewed sinew under the ring to keep it in place and I guess to strengthen the edge:

Here's the other side.

Here's a better shot of the tools I used:

And a closeup:

Next up is the stay tape!  That'll be another day.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Clews for Spin #1

If I didn't have to go to a birthday party this evening, I'd have this done today...  Aw well, maybe I'll finish it tomorrow after work...

Here are the panels in the cardboard box, along with two pairs of rings, before gluing:

Here are the panels all glued up:

I traced out the ring:

And cut it out:

Then cut some webbing.  These were leftover from some tie straps I cut down to fit the trailer and boat I have:

Then I added the two sided tape to them:

 I found it easier to do one side first:

then do the other side:

I did a dry fit and found out that I needed to trim the edges and re-position the webbing before I sewed them:

Here's what it looks liked sewed:

Here's the other set:

Then I laid the spinnaker panels down and glued the Dacron panels to them.  I found it easier to spray the Dacron panels than the spinnaker panel:

Here's the second Spinnaker panel glued to the first clew:

And it flipped over:

Here's the second one all glued up:

Here's clew #2 flipped over, note that the Spinnaker panels need trimming:

Here's what it looks like trimmed:

To glue the panels to the spinnaker I make a lift to prevent the spinnaker touching the glued panel before I was ready, it worked out quite nice!

And here's the first clew all glued!

Here's the second clew getting glued:

And it flipped over:

As per the videos, I added the double sided tape to the outer edge prior to sewing:

Same for the second clew:

And sewed the edge with a small needle and fine thread:

I decided to use the same needle and thread for the second Spinnaker panel as well.

Then it was time to leave the house and go to the party!

I'll switch to a larger needle and heavier thread before I sew the Dacron panels in and also sewing the stay tape along the edges.  I can't wait to hang this up over the pool!

The Rest of the Patches on Spinnaker #2

Here are the rest of the patches on Spin #2.  I missed taking some pictures at some of the steps!

Patch #2:

Patch #3

Patch #4

Patch #5

I ran out of thread in the bobbin at one point, and had to re-do one corner.  I was off by like only a few inches!

I am at the point where I will be making the clews next.